Friday, June 02, 2006

Wow I look like so many people...

I run my photo on the face recognition website - and I get so many diffferent results.

Using my passport photo, the percentage of resemblance is only between 61% to 48%... Which is relatively low. And most of my lookalikes are not really good looking.. so that means I'm not good looking lar... KK I knew it. Most of my lookalikes look intelligent... so does it mean that I'm smart?

But I tried the same website and used a very different photo which only shows my profile, I get a very different set of results.

This photo yielded more results and notice that this time round my lookalikes are more beautiful (hahaha) and the level of resemblance is also higher. Those highlighted in green are the celebrities that resemble me (the computer said so... not me). Both Grace and me resemble Rita Hayworth. Maybe my profile is more beautiful that's why the results are better LOL... Wow... I'm even look a bit like Lee Yong Ae...

Don't know how the flash works... I supposed that they just think that all asian faces looks alike... I used another photo and they even think I look like Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li.

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