Friday, February 03, 2006

Lost and found

I had been reading many blogs and I realised that many youngsters are like me - very lost.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm doing the right thing. From simple things like what clothes to wear, to what career or course I should pursue... Many times I will regret my decisions and get very depressed over them.

Usually I will take the easy way out in life but it will often land me in trouble (sorry can't mention what sort of trouble). For people out there reading this, I must tell you that the toughest path is usually the most rewarding... (provided you have good foresight). Some people always say that they were not given the opportunity... As always, I will blame heaven and earth for my fate... but thinking back, I was given many opportunites... But was I ever really prepared for them?

But I understand that I should learn to count my blessings and be contented with life.


Name : Orij said...

Short yet impressing content...
BTW, when u typing for tis entry... r u one of the lost one oso...???

Faith said...

I always feel lost... Coz I feel that I can do anything... But at the same time, I not excellent in anything... I'm just average.... I have too many interest that I want to pursue. But I not really determined enough to reach the pinnacle.