Friday, September 16, 2005

How to spend your holidays
Have you heard of the chinese saying... Being poor allows you to have great creativity and with the creativity, you can solve any problems.

When I was a kid, my parents didn't buy me expensive toys. My TV broke down during the dec holidays when I was 7. Being a TV addict, I was very upset. No TV = no entertainment. My aunt brought a big bag of plastercine. My brother and I had endless fun with the plastercine. I feel that in many ways, simple toys can develop the creativity of children. Edison once said that all kids are creative. why restrict them to the teaching in classrooms? They don't need a teacher to teach them to be creative.

Two years later, I found a book on chess making... I spent hours with my brother to make my own chess game. By making the game myself, I also learn the logic of playing the game. It makes me a more logical person. Till now, I'm still benefitting from the things I had learnt when I was a kid...And I have learnt those things without much guidance....

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